Sunday, September 13, 2009

As for the wedding, the wedding, the wedding...

I cannot begin to express how absolutely wonderful it was, but I will try. To see my children serve one another was so amazing. I have said before and state it again: It took a whole family to marry Stef and Nate off. Stefani had five mother of the brides and it was awesome to share that role with her sisters. Each one played a specific role in helping get where she is today, not too mention, through out the whole wedding festivities. Her brothers (we have no -in laws in our family) were Amber's right and left hand, Cory, Sean, Vaughn and Logan, we could not have done without one of them! In case you didn't get the memo, Amber was the CEO and wedding planner of this huge event. I tried to come in and take over and instead almost got demoted. By whom you might ask? I would say by the self appointed wedding planner but that would simply not be fair. Amber stepped into the role of maid of honor like I have never seen anyone else do. She worked and planned in ways that I wouldn't have dreamed of. Stefani was living with her as this was all happening. It was a perfect place for Stefani to be, it was the right place. I cannot say thank you enough to both she and Vaughn. However the gratitude does not stop there, as I said it took a whole family (and lots of friends and extended family) to pull off what Logan deemed "the perfect wedding".

Stefani's face said it all as she rounded the corner into the celestial room and saw her whole family waiting for her. Though we can put a price on the reception, the temple we cannot, it is a lifetime of blessings and it is priceless.

...But enough of the wedding... the wedding.... the wedding..., Let the pictures speak for themselves.
If you want to see more go to the site below (the photographer's) you will have further view of our destination's end.
(you will need to scroll down to Nathan and Stefani)


  1. The pictures are so beautiful...although it helps to have such an adorable couple. It really was the perfect wedding. Memories were made that will last a lifetime...and beyond. LOVE YA!!!

  2. I think the reception was one of the most beautiful that I have seen. It was obvious that it had been a family effort. I can only imagine the incredible experience in the Temple. You are such an amazing family!
    You are a great example to me!

  3. Beautiful pictures, but I want more! I know you are anxious to see them. I love you.

  4. I'm definitely going to have to check out the other photos. We're so happy for Stefani and Nathan and for you, as well. What a wonderful family event!! I hope Stef is writing about it while she can still remember the details.

  5. Thanks for telling me your stories today!! I am so glad it went so perfectly :).
