Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The dawning of a new day!

Yes, it is true, a new day, a new blog, a new way to keep up with the ever changing "techy" world we live in. My children will be so proud. I welcome myself to the world of blogging!


  1. YEAH!!!! You have finally entered the blogging world!!!! I'm so excited!

  2. This comment is from Melissa not Sherrie....although you would comment on your own post! :) Love ya!

  3. It's ok. You don't have to welcome yourself... we'll welcome you! :)

  4. Yay! I'm so happy you have a blog! Now you can be the cool savvy computer tech Grandma. :) I'm looking forward to reading about how things are going for you in life. Love ya! Melissa

  5. Hooray, hooray!! I am so happy! I can now unsubscribe to LDS gems and just get me daily spiritual thoughts from this blog! Welcome, welcome. (Stop singing sabbath morning...you know you were!)

  6. Way to go Mom!!! I am so proud of you. You are moving up in the world... Look at you!!! I love you. Oh and welcome, and like Amber said... I was totally singing. :)

  7. This is so great....an easy way to keep up with my Sherrie Mann! I miss you, and now I don't have to quite so much. :) BTW - Brad keeps talking about us taking a "vacation" to NC to just hang out with friends....but I know your summer is packed, so maybe later?

  8. I'm so glad you are entering this side of the blogging world. Woo-Hoo! I ditto Amber's comment. And, BTW, your title and subscript are SO YOU! It made me giggle. :)
